Healthy living!! Happy life!!

Mantras to a healthy life

           “Man who has health has hope and when he has hope, he will having everything”. Health is much important for everyone. Health is wealth, right? How rich you are and how poor you are, How fame you are when you are not healthy, life won't be meaningful!!!

            Healthy life not only changes your body, but it also changes the mind and attitude. Health is not only the good food you eat. Perfect health comes from a perfect mind, perfect lifestyle, and perfect habits. Here I include mantras for a healthy life

1.Positivity is everything !!!

Be positive…. “No matter how bad the storm is coming, it will pass” Then why you people keep on worrying about something. Negativity will surely lead to failure, the failure will affect our mind and happiness. Finally, your health is spoiled. Whatever problems come into your life, stay strong and confident so that you will surely get the solution for the problems. In case of any health issues, don’t lose your hope. It won't be much easier to stay strong in that situation but if you try to be strong even in that situation, you will win the battle. For example, If a person has heart issues and he is under medications. If he is upset with his health issue, the situation is going to be worse but nothing good will happen. Instead, if he thinks positively and says “I am healthy and my heart is healthy” within himself, amazingly he is going to be strong physically. And his heart condition will be improving. So positivity is everything. It will lead to miracles one day.   

2.  Stress management:

            In this modern world, all age group people are suffering from stress. Even school students are stressed nowadays because of their study methods and exams. Board exams’ stress. Once they enter the university level, they face huge stress like assignments, projects, semester exams, arrears, etc. After graduation, the graduates have stress in getting a perfect job. Stress is not going to end here, it continues its journey even after the perfect career.

            Whatever the nature of the job is, every job has targets, challenges, job satisfaction, salary, promotions, problems related to a team working, etc., All these aspects will lead to stress. Marriage life is the biggest stress, children. Taking care of them, providing them a good education, etc., Stress will be throughout life. Stress will gift us all sorts of health issues like heart diseases, blood pressure, etc., You will be living along with stress the entire life.

What can you do to overcome this?? First, live yourself. You are precious and you are responsible for taking care of your life. Be calm while doing your job. Be more passionate about whatever job you do and whatever you study. Give some time to yourself. Get yourself mingled with friends and entertainment. Engage yourself in yoga and meditation.

3. Yoga and meditation is the best key !!

            The person who adds yoga and breathing practices in their daily routine will be a healthy person for sure! Breathing exercise is the most effective. It calms our mind. Spend sometime in the morning. Doing some breathing exercises will not only calm your mind but also healthify you.

Here I will add a simple breathing exercise. Sit straight, close your eyes, and relax first. Inhale through the nose and exhale through your mouth. Do it repeatedly, at least for 5 minutes. Then open your eyes. Amazingly, you will feel refreshed.

Surya namaskar is best and only yoga which is very effective for all common problems. The benefits include strengthening of body, relaxation, flexibility will be improved, burn the excess fat, improves blood circulation, mental focus, improves functions of vital organs, improves posture, glowing skin, treats insomnia, treats menstrual problems. It will take 5-10 minutes for this. I hope you will start this right now !!!

4. Healthy food is healthy life right?

            Food is good but not all. Some things you have to add in diet and some food practice you should stop right now.    

           First don’t skip meals, avoid snacking processed and packed food. Add naturally color food on your meal plate. Greens every day will be the best medicine. Consuming ghee is a healthy fat that gives you several benefits. Take some dry fruits like dates, almonds, etc to your daily routine. Sprouts are a rich source of fiber that must be included in your food chart as it improves digestion.  

Some points need to know :

  • Water is the driving force of all nature !! yes that is right. Without water we are nothing. Water sparks you in many ways like it boosts energy, maintains the function of the kidney, it improves better digestion, helps in weight loss, healthy skin and hair, balance body fluids. Consume 8 glasses of water.
  • Alert !!?? Drinking water is fine but not before or during meals. At least there should be a gap of 30 minutes before meals. Why? This is because your stomach has acid in it. The secretion of acid in the stomach causes your hunger. If you drink water right before meals, the acid in the stomach will be neutralized that will leads to poor digestion. 
  • Does bathing affect digestion? Yes, when you bathe right after you had food will collapse your digestion process. The reason why? when you bathe, your temperature will be raised and that temperature is not suitable for digestion. Food right after bath is ok !! So you people after your meals, don’t bathe immediately and just give some 2 hours.
  • The right time to eat fruits? Fruits taken before your food is fine but not after eating food. This is because fruits contain sugar, so your body needs separate enzymes for digesting fruits. When you intake food, your digestion process is a little tougher than fruits. So there is disturbance in digestion.
  • Some foods to avoid for weight watchers !! Chicken, milk, milk products, packed foods, oiled foods, rice.
  • Hey!! What is detoxification? It is the process of removing waste or toxins from your body. Is it necessary to remove waste from your body? Then what will you keep the waste inside your body? Without removing the waste from your body, you cannot make your body healthier. Adding fiber-rich foods and drinking much water will help you to treat you in constipation.
  • Hey, wait! It's getting over but not in my blog, Keep checking my blog for more articles… See you soon !!!!









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